Worship and Prayer

Weekly pattern of prayer and worship at St Matthew's

The church welcomes everyone to our services and opportunities to pray together.


9.45am:     Holy Communion in Parish Centre (2nd and 4th Sundays)

10.30am:  Morning worship - In the church. Holy Communion 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays.

6.00pm:    Evening Prayer


8.15pm:    Silence at St Matthew's - A time for quiet reflection in the church vestry.


6.45pm:     Prayer meeting in church and via zoom - a weekly opportunity to pray together about how the Lord is leading the Church and also for the needs of the world. 

Thursday (from 13th May 2021)

11.0am:     Communion in the church

Fellowship groups are meeting regularly online during the week - if you would like to join a group please contact the church office.

Sunday service pattern

First Sunday

10.30am:  Holy Communion

6.00pm:    Evening Prayer

Second Sunday

9.45am:    Holy Communion

10.30am:  Morning Prayer

6.00pm:    Evening Prayer

Third Sunday

10.30am:  Holy Communion

3.00pm:    Messy Church

6.00pm:    Evening Prayer

Fourth Sunday

9.45am:    Holy Communion

10.30am:  Morning Prayer

6.00pm:    Sustain (unless five Sundays in month)

Fifth Sunday

10.30am:  Morning Prayer

6.00pm:    Sustain