Passion Play

The Oxford Community Passion Play 2024 was performed in Hinksey Park on Holy Saturday, March 30th. The play explored the dramatic events leading up to the joy of that first Easter Sunday, more than 2,000 years ago.

A group of people from across the South Oxford community got together to perform the play "And a Sword Shall Pierce Your Soul" which tells the Easter story from the perspective of Mary, mother of Jesus, in an accessible way through music, singing and drama, for both those who are familiar and unfamiliar with the gospel story of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

More than forty eight actors, musicians, singers and backstage crew were involved, coming from all walks of life in Oxford. With the support of seven churches and led by a production team who are all professional theatre makers, this was a true community event made up of unpaid volunteers.

Here are a selection of photos from the Play:




Photographs courtesy of Philip King with thanks (


The production was supported by the the Passion Trust and the Diocese of Oxford Development Fund