During the tier 5 lockdown services will be online only. Click here to watch the live stream or a recording of it later. Please check the ‘live chat’ while you are watching – we will use this to send information if something goes wrong with the livestream. You can also add your own comments to the chat if there is something you are enjoying or would like to share - you need to sign into Youtube.
The readings will be:
Psalm 139 verses 1to18
Luke chapter 9 verses 46 to 62
There will be provision for children/young people online as per the details provided by Naomi Shaw and Kate Smith, details can be obtained via the church office.
Drinks on the Terrace! 12pm
Whether you worshipped online or live, a chance to come together. Your choice of drink! Please contact the church office if you do not have the zoom link.
The church will be opened for private prayer at some time during the week. Details will be provided soon
During the tier 5 lockdown services will be online only. Click here to watch the live stream or a recording of it later. Please check the ‘live chat’ while you are watching – we will use this to send information if something goes wrong with the livestream. You can also add your own comments to the chat if there is something you are enjoying or would like to share - you need to sign into Youtube.
The readings will be:
Psalm 139 verses 1to18
Luke chapter 9 verses 46 to 62
There will be provision for children/young people online as per the details provided by Naomi Shaw and Kate Smith, details can be obtained via the church office.
Drinks on the Terrace! 12pm
Whether you worshipped online or live, a chance to come together. Your choice of drink! Please contact the church office if you do not have the zoom link.
The church will be opened for private prayer at some time during the week. Details will be provided soon