Living Life to the Full - Assisted Dying

In the light of the Parliamentary Assisted Dying Bill - moving towards developing a theology of life

Sunday 9th March at 10.30am
Amazing Life - perspectives from Dr Victoria Bradley, Clinical Lead of Sobell House Hospice

Sunday 16th March at 10.30am
The holiness of death (whilst living life to the full) - Dr Charlie Bond

Sunday 23rd March at 10.30am
A good death and how to talk about it - Revd Canon Dr Joanna Collicutt

Sunday 30th March at 10.30am
Mothering Sunday

Sunday 6th April at 10.30am
Living Life to the full when living with a disability - Revd Katie Tupling (Diocesan Disability Advisor)

Sunday 13th April at 10.30am
Palm Sunday - in the light of the Assisted Dying debate and living Life to the full

Post Easter:
Exploring further how the Bible talks about life, death & afterwards moving towards developing a theology of living life to the full