Morning Worship 10:30 Difficult emotions: Anger and love

Liz Boughton
Martin Allaby


During the tier 5 lockdown services will be online only. Click here to watch the live stream or a recording of it later.  Please check the ‘live chat’ while you are watching – we will use this to send information if something goes wrong with the livestream. You can also add your own comments to the chat if there is something you are enjoying or would like to share - you need to sign into Youtube

The readings are:

·         Isaiah 10:1-4

·         John 2:13-17

·         Eph 4:26

We have decided not to continue face to face worship in church at the moment. The sheer virulence of this new strain of COVID 19 in how easily it is caught means the risk has been heightened. Although we have followed all the guidance on making the church as safe as we can, the Diocese is advising us to consider carefully what is best. Although providing face to face worship and fellowship in our church building is the most desirable as well as the online provision, we have reluctantly decided to revert to a group of service and music leaders only livestreaming in church for the moment. We will be reviewing this every two weeks and will update you. As soon as we can, we will return as a congregation to the church.

The church will be opened for private prayer on Wednesday mornings.